Project com.meyling.principia Author Michael Meyling (mime) 0.00.51 2002-07-08 mime rule reduction extended to predicate calculus now using LaTeX as description language new outside access classes in package com.meyling.principia: MakeLatexModule new Converter: com.meyling.principia.html.Latex2Html 0.00.50 2002-01-27 mime proof compression implemented rule reduction implemented some new rules (needed to perform a rule reduction) see file "rules.txt" declare operator for rules new outside access classes in package com.meyling.principia: CheckModule MakeHtmlModule MakeCompressedModule MakeReducedModule 0.00.49 2001-10-22 mime new package structure new rules and their versions: 1.00.01 HypotheticalSyllogism 1.00.02 RightAddition 1.01.00 SubstLine 1.01.01 ApplyAxiom ApplySentence 1.02.00 ElementaryEquivalence 1.02.01 ConjunctionRule 0.00.48 2001-09-24 mime new ModuleWriter new ModuleContext.compress method new Rule: HypotheticalSyllogism version controll implemented 0.00.47 2001-09-07 mime better parsing error support improved html generator javadoc has not so many errors any longer several minor errors corrected 0.00.46 2001-08-19 mime test version package elementary is not supported any longer! better parsing error support (java error syntax) new exceptions: ArgumentException and ParsingException new input: TextInput now the Modules are really hashed.. improved html generator 0.00.45 2001-08-05 mime verification error in package module corrected: ReplacePropositionVariable was not checking enough. This error still holds in package elementary!! also ReplaceBoundSubjectVariable was corrected module elementary is not uptodate improved html generator module rule description for html modules 0.00.44 2001-07-28 mime new package "html" for html file generation first module for propositional calculus Status: interim version not fully tested TODO: make "principia/buffer" configurable validate javadoc of package module is there any use for getPartFormulaSize, getPartFormula??? more tests for package "module" Abbreviations shouldn't use pattern variables 0.00.43 2001-07-25 mime package module changed arguments of ModuleCreator: know address is needed for loading relative modules PackageTest now only uses SimpleModuleCreator, which dosn't verify a proof at all Testing could be done with class Main, you need the testfiles in directory "principia/buffer/file/" loading from a webside is working! new classes: Import, ImportList, Specification, Name, Version, LocationList, Location Status: interim version not tested 0.00.42 2000-07-10 mime changed order of this file (now last first) package "module" begun: module headers and imports not complete, but working first basis module is ready!!! Status: basic version New Testfiles all tests ok 0.00.41 2001-06-11 mime reorganization: new packages "argument", "logic.elementary", separated "logic.basic" into these three packages renamed everything in "logic.elementary" into "Elementary*" new class "AbstactFormula" new classes ElementaryPatternVariable and ElementaryPatternVariables - for separating formula stuff from normal pattern matching junit tests for JUnit 3.5 start bin/test.bat for testing start bin/version.bat for renaming versions Status: basic version Changed Testfiles all tests ok 0.00.40 2001-06-04 mime new method in Argument: Argument create(Argument[] arguments) new AbstractFormula AbstractArgument.replaceBoundVariable -> AbstractFormula make no deep copy (don't use copy), only create if neccassary Status: interim version PackageTest ok 0.00.39 2001-06-03 mime "LINES" eliminated again "PROOF" -> "EPROOF", "PLINE" -> "PLINE", "PLINEL" -> "EPLINEL" Proof* -> ElementaryProof* Rule -> ElementaryRule Status: interim version PackageTest ok 0.00.38 2001-06-01 mime reorganization: new directories "bin", "check", "doc", "javadoc" renamed all occurences of "Definition" into "Abbreviation" also DEFINTION, DEFINITIONL, USEDEV, REVDEV were renamed into ABBREV, ABBREVL, USEABR, REVABR now leading zeros in numbers are forbidden 0.00.37 2001-05-11 mime reorganization: new packages "..logic.basic" and "" now a comma must separate arguments rename "ArgumentList" into "RegularArgumentList" Status: interim version Changed Testfiles PackageTest ok (only exception.test.9.output wrong) TestConjunction green 0.00.36 2001-05-11 mime TestConjunction extended for testing replaceBoundSubjectVariable reorganization: Text and Counter are derivated from new class AbstractArgumentAtom, most methods of AbstractArgument were changed, so that they could be final new Rule: RenameBoundSubjectVariable new Rule: Generalization new Rule: Particularization Status: basis version: this version implements the first order predicate logic!!! Changed Testfiles PackageTest ok TestConjunction green TODO: validate this version 0.00.35 2001-05-08 mime new Rule: RenameFreeSubjectVariable should work new Argument method: replaceBoundSubjectVariable Status: interim version PackageTest ok TestConjunction green TODO: Text and Counter must be derivated from new class ArgumentAtom 0.00.34 2001-04-23 mime new Rule: ReplacePredicateVariable should work Status: PackageTest ok TestConjunction green 0.00.33 2001-04-23 mime new Rule: ReplacePropositionVariable beginning implementiation of new rule: ReplacePredicateVariable Status: PackageTest ok TestConjunction green 0.00.32 2001-04-06 mime new data type string could be read from ArgumentCreator Status: interim version 0.00.31 2001-03-20 mime javadoc improved new LineNumberList, used in ModusPonens, UseDefinition new ReverseDefinition changed Definition a ProofLine must now have an PatternVariable-free formula Definition's left and right side must have the same PatternVariables some new construction tests for proofs and their subarguments Status: PackageTest ok TestConjunction green TODO: check entries of DefinitionList: do they use anything after (or in) current entry (check for recursivness) make new RecursiveDefinition for operators with variable argument number rename: AND -> LAND, OR -> LOR make new operators AND, OR with variable argument numbers more construction tests for proofs and their subarguments new tests for package tests new unit tests are PredicateVariables without SubjectVariable s a kind of PropositionVariable s??? put checkit doclet elsewhere? 0.00.30 2001-03-19 mime javadoc improved changed error text to constants from PrincipiaConstants boolean check -> void check() throws IllegalArgumentException getArgument(1) -> getContent for PatternVariable Status: PackageTest ok TestConjunction green 0.00.00 2000-08-04 mime project started